Niemela Pappas & Associates (NPA) is a women-owned, full service advocacy firm that navigates California’s legislative and regulatory processes to consistently deliver results for our clients.
The well-traveled path is not always the best one. At NPA, strategy governs every activity. We don’t believe in “boilerplates,” boxes or “one-size-fits all.” Our strategies are tailored to your objectives and the ever-evolving landscape. And we will never, ever set you two steps back on your route forward.
“I took the road less traveled by. And that has made all the difference.”
– Robert Frost
“It takes a good many deeds to build a reputation and only one bad one to lose it.”
— Ben Franklin
Words are easy. Actions are harder. We compliment your well-earned brand with our Capitol credibility borne of accuracy, follow-through and good old-fashioned hard work.
The results speak for themselves – but don’t take our word for it. We encourage you to ask around.
Strategy. Credibility. Results.
Strategic Counsel
The strategies we develop for our clients are innovative, collaborative and out of the box, matching the complexities of California’s Political arena.
NPA advocates for our clients’ needs before the California State Legislature, Governor’s office and State Agencies.
California is the 5th largest economy in the world. We identify opportunities and position you before key decision-makers to communicate your unique value and achieve your goals.
Political Consulting / Grassroots
Our seasoned team develops focused political strategies that complement our clients’ relationships and “brand”.
State Budget / Grant Advocacy
California has a multi-billion dollar annual budget which presents opportunities and challenges for stakeholders. We navigate this complicated process to secure and protect funding and policies that align with your goals and your vulnerabilities.
NPA’s full-time team of lobbyists and staff have extensive backgrounds spanning from top staff for California Legislative and Congressional Leaders to Presidential administrations, state agencies, political campaigns, trade associations, fundraising firms and non-profits.


Financial Services

Clean Energy & Climate Change

Water & Natural Resources

Agriculture, Food and Beverages

Life Sciences

Local Government

Post-Secondary Education

Transportation, Goods Movement & Logistics


Land Use & Housing

Entertainment & Media

NPA is adept at representing the unique needs and desires of our diverse client base, leaving almost no policy issue untouched.
We help: Fortune 500 Companies, Innovative Startups, Local Governments, Utilities and Non-profits to name a few.